Overstable Putters
Dependable, reliable, consistent, and accurate. It's what we look for in our putters. The overstable putters for sale are just that! Use them on the green and off the tee with equal success!
Looking to add more consistency to your putter pouch? Look no further than Disc Golf Deals USA for overstable putters for sale. Overstable putters are disc golf discs that are reliably stable, meaning that they fly consistently in most conditions and can always be trusted to fade at the end of their flight. We carry a large inventory of overstable putters for sale from every brand on the market today, like Axiom, Discmania, Innova, Thought Space Athletics, and many more. Browse our putters for sale and while you’re here, take a look at the rest of our inventory too!
Here are a few pros that utilize overstable putters on tour:
Paul McBeth: Discraft Luna
Chris Dickerson: Discraft Challenger OS
Jeremy Koling: Innova AviarX3
- 2.5    3    0    1.5MVP Neutron Ion$18.99 /2 reviews
- 2    3    0    2Discraft Putter Line Challenger$11.99 /
- 3    3    0    3Discraft Paul McBeth Big Z Kratos$19.99 /
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Victor 1 Copperhead$18.99 /
- 2    4    0    2TSA Thomas Gilbert Nerve Firm Pneuma$15.99 /2 reviews
- 3    3    0    2Thought Space Athletics SE Nerve Muse$15.99 /
- 2    3    0    2Clash Discs Steady Fudge Prototype$21.99 /1 review
- 3    3    0    2Thought Space Athletics Firm Nerve Muse$12.99 /
- 4    4    0    2Discraft CryZtal Ringer - Ledgestone 2023$20.99 /
- 3    3    0    2Mint Discs Eternal Lasso - Christmas Stamp$17.99 /1 review
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Alpha Copperhead$18.99 /2 reviews
- 3    3    0    2Discraft Paul McBeth Supercolor ESP Luna$19.99 /1 review
- 3    3    0    2.5Streamline Special Edition Electron Stabilizer$15.99 /1 review
- 3    2    0    2Doomsday Discs Weapons Grade Land Mine$10.99 /
- 3    3    0    2Mint Discs SE Eternal Lasso$16.99 /
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Alpha Penny Putter$18.99 /
- 1    1    0    2Kastaplast SE K1 Soft Clear Berg (Narwhal Stamp)$24.99 /
- 4    4    0    2Discraft Z Metallic Ringer - Ledgestone 2022
$21.99$17.99 / - 3    3    0    3Discraft Paul McBeth Soft Kratos$13.99 /
- 3    4    0    2.5Prodigy 300 Fractal PX-3 - Aidan Scott 2024 Signature Series$14.99 /
- 2    3    0    2Mint Discs Sublime Profit$17.99 /2 reviews
- 4    3    0    2.5Divergent Discs StayPut Golem$16.99 /1 review
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Bravo Glow Benny$22.99 /
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Bravo Copperhead$18.99 /1 review
- 3    3    0    3Discraft Paul McBeth CryZtal Kratos (GMC 2024)$24.99 /
- 2    3    0    2Discraft ESP Challenger - Ledgestone 2024$21.99 /1 review
- 3    3    0    2Axiom SE Eclipse Glow 2.0 Envy - Cosmic Discs
$23.95$24.99 / - 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Founders Penny Putter$24.99 /
- 3    3    0    2Kastaplast K1 DIY Reko-X (Dyer's Delight)$21.99 /
- 3    3    0    3Discraft Paul McBeth Z Fly Dye Kratos$22.99 /
- 3    4    0    2Lone Star Disc Bravo Glow Copperhead$22.99 /
- 3    3    0    2Kastaplast Tour Series Luke Samson K3 Glow Reko-X$22.99 /
- 2    3    0    2Discraft Recycled ESP Challenger$13.99 /
- 3    5    0    2Prodigy SE Basegrip P Model S (Retroflight)$12.49 /
- 1    1    0    2Kastaplast K1 DIY Berg (Dyer's Delight)$21.99 /
- 2    3    0    2Discraft Jawbreaker Swirl Challenger$13.99 /
- 3    3    0    2Axiom SE Eclipse R2 Envy (The Preserve)
$21.99$19.99 / - 2    3    0    2Infinite Chandler Fry P-Blend Myth$17.99 /