Kevin Jones - In The Bag
Kevin Jones recently made the switch from Prodigy to Innova and boy are we excited! We're hoping he comes back in full swing and reclaims his spot as one of the disc golf giants! In the meantime take a look at some of the discs this champ is bagging! If you're trying to build an all Innova bag read our article for some recommendations.
Kevin Jone's Full Bag Breakdown
Here's a full breakdown of every disc in Kev's bag as of his last in the bag video update! He just made the switch to Innova, and his bag features some familiar faces, as well as a few surprises!
Kevin's Putters
Halo Nexus Invaders - Bags two as his putting putters.
James Conrad Glow Aviar - He uses it for upshots, small hyzers, or small annys.
Metal Flake Toro - Very overstable and his go-to for sidearm approaches.
Kevin's Midranges
Halo Champion Roc - A very overstable Roc, perfect for hyzer approaches.
DX Roc - Quite flippy uses it for tunnel shots, hyzer flips, and turnovers.
KC Pro Roc - Not quite as flippy as his DX Roc.
I-Dye Champion Roc3 - A less stable compliment to his Champion Halo Roc.
Halo Champion Gator3 - Reminds him of his A3, a nice midrange forehand disc.
Kevin's Fairway Drivers
PFN Champion Leopard - A longer version of his Roc, and is actually quite overstable.
Star Sidewinder - Very flippy and used for hyzer flips and sidearm turnovers.
Champion TL - A little bit straighter than his Sidewinder
PFN KJ Nybo Swirly Star TeeBird - A step up from his TL, used almost only for backhands.
Vaino Makela TeeBird - Almost no turn with a dependable fade.
Ken Climbo Champion Eagle - No turn on backhand and forehand shots.
Ken Climbo Champion Firebird - Very beat in, so it pushes further with the same reliable fade.
F2 Champion Firebird - Very overstable.
I-Dye Champion Thunderbird - Just testing it out for now.
Kevin's Distance Drivers
Champion Max - Very beat in, just a longer version of the F2 Champion Firebird.
Echo Star Destroyer - Uses it mostly for grenades, backhand rollers, and standstill forehands.
Star PmcB 4 times Destroyer - Bags 3 with various levels of stability.
Luster PD2 - more overstable than his destroyers, the equivalent to his old X1.
Star Boss - Very domey.
Jeremy Kohling Halo Star TS Boss - Loves using this one on open shots.
Champion Boss - More overstable, gets to the ground quickly.
Halo Star Boss - Just trying it out.
Watch Kevin's 2024 In The Bag Update
- 2    3    0    2Innova JK Pro Aviar-X$12.99 /1 review
- 4    2    1    3Innova Calvin Heimburg Champion Toro$15.99 /5 reviews
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- 5    4    0    3Innova Star I-Dye Roc3$20.99 /1 review
- 6    5    -2    1Innova Champion Leopard$15.99 /2 reviews
- 9    5    -3    1Innova Star Sidewinder$17.99 /3 reviews
- 12    5    -1    3Innova Echo Star Destroyer$24.99 /
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- 4    2    1    3Innova SE Champion Toro (Cosmic Discs)$16.99 /