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Axiom Simon Line Time-Lapse Flight Review

Overview: The Simon Line Time-Lapse, the new distance driver from Axiom was made specifically to Simon Lizotte’s standards. It’s overstable and can fly far for big arms. 

Est. Reading Time: 3 - 4 Minutes

simon lizotte in the bagsimon line time lapse for sale

What is the Simon Line Time-Lapse

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Comparison is the thief of joy and shouldn’t be used when picking up your first, second or fifth Axiom Time-Lapse. There is a lot of discussion on whether or not the first disc in the Simon Lizotte Simon Line is too overstable, too understable, or too much or little of something else. The fact of the matter is, this new distance driver looks great, feels great and flies great for its flight numbers. Below we’ll take a look at the:

  • Time-Lapse Overview
  • Flight Path
  • Comparisons
  • Reasons to Buy 

Axiom Time-Lapse Overview

Currently, the Simon Lizotte Time-Lapse comes in Axiom’s Neutron Plastic, a grippy and stiff blend of plastic that feels great in all weather conditions. The new distance driver comes in with the flight numbers of 12/5/-1/3, similar to a lot of other popular discs on the market today. It is the first disc in MVP’s Simon-Line, coming right before the Axiom Pixel’s release (Simon’s new putter.) The Time-Lapse is overstable and in our testing, has quite a bit of dome to it. 

Axiom Time-Lapse Flight Path

Mentioned above, the new Simon Lizotte Time-Lapse is very overstable and will suit players with above average power well. In perfect conditions, the new distance driver flies far and fades to the ground hard. Thrown on hyzer, the disc will look to crash to the ground fast while still gaining some reliable distance. Thrown on anhyzer, with a lot of power, the disc holds its line surprisingly well, and gains some serious distance before softly flattening out. Players with not a lot of power will like this disc for utility shots requiring fast and sharp amounts of hyzer. 

Axiom Time-Lapse Comparisons 

simon lizotte axiom discs mvp time lapse neutron simon line

The Simon Lizotte Time-Lapse comes in with the flight numbers of 12/5/-1/3 here’s a list of other distance drivers with very similar numbers:

The list of discs with flight numbers close to the Simon Line Time-Lapse could go on and on. So why did the MVP family of discs decide to make this disc? Simon said they needed a new distance driver that was in the 12 speed family of discs. MVP had 11, 13 and 14 speed discs but hadn’t touched the 12 speed slot. MVP Gyronauts can finally fill in the missing slot in their bag!

Why Buy the Simon Lizotte Time-Lapse?

There are many discs like the Time-Lapse, but none of them offer “Gyro Technology” and none of them were designed to Simon Lizotte’s exact specifications. The new distance driver is unique in that sense and MVP offers players the chance to finally throw what the pros are throwing without spending an arm and leg to get rare and hard to find runs of discs. The Time-Lapse is an awesome feeling, overstable distance driver that flies true in any conditions. 

Simon Line Time-Lapse Final Numbers

simon line time lapse driver

Below are our final flight characteristics for the Axiom Time-Lapse with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

Stability: 8

Wind-Resistance: 8

Dome: 7

Grip: 7

Stiffness: 6

Fun: 9

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